Isaac L. Bleaman

Assistant Professor
Department of Linguistics
University of California, Berkeley
Office: 1216 Dwinelle Hall


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Isaac L. Bleaman


I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at UC Berkeley and a faculty director of the Sociolinguistics Lab at Berkeley (SLaB). I am also affiliated with the Center for Jewish Studies.

My research interests include sociolinguistic variation, language maintenance, language change, and language standardization. I address these broad areas by studying the factors that constrain phonetic and grammatical variation in contemporary Yiddish. I am also interested in computational methods (e.g., the use of online corpora) and in syntactic theory and analysis, especially the mechanisms that account for optionality and variation.

I am currently developing a corpus of conversational Yiddish from video-recorded Holocaust survivor testimonies, supported by a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation.


  • Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, UC Berkeley, 2019–
  • Language Engineer, Amazon Alexa, Applied Modeling & Data Science, 2018–2019


  • PhD Linguistics, New York University, 2018
  • MA Linguistics, New York University, 2016
  • MSt Yiddish Studies, University of Oxford, 2013
  • BA Linguistics & Comparative Literature, Stanford University, 2012

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